Friday, November 23, 2007

thE misSing piEce...

Have you ever heard about the story "the missing piece"? I've read this story in a bookshop unexpectedly. It basically goes like this, a circle missing a wedged shaped piece that rolls around trying to find its mate to be complete. Here is the video about this story which I have found it on net after I came back from the bookshop as I like this story so much. Check it out.
I guess there are many renditions of this story and I've also heard one using a doughnut but getting back to point, this story is very profound. I guess everyone of us is some sort like the circle, forever looking for that one thing to complete us, to make us whole. We have that longing in our heart, a sense of incompleteness. It's funny how everyone has it, as if life isn't complete without that something or someone.
Nothing more to say here, I just wanted to share this thought to the far ends of the world, from an incomplete circle to another...

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